Hey! I'm Nichole...Sew At Home Mom to Austin and Grace. I dabble in selling children's clothing at Full of Grace Boutique over on Etsy and Facebook.
I've been searching....and searching...and yes....SEARCHING for a combination knit/woven dress pattern for a long time. Okay, maybe not THAT long, but I have been looking. And more importantly, not finding anything!!
Sooo...can you imagine my delight when I saw the most adorable knit bodice/woven skirt pattern, recently released by Ali's Cottage?! It was exactly what I had been looking for, and I needed it ASAP!
I had the pattern in my hands less than 12 hours before I had to dig in! And let me tell you...it is what I've been waiting for. And more!! This pattern is really quite awesome.
Best of all, I cranked it out this morning in a couple of hours. My hours may be different than yours. I live in Toddler Time. So I had many "potty training" breaks. If you have potty trained, and can recall for me a second...that is a lot of breaks!
So, lets take a look, shall we??
Can you take the cuteness? Me either.
Now, who can make this dress? Anyone I say! I would say an adventurous beginner could tackle this no problem. You really couldn't get any better directions with the pattern.
My FAVORITE part about the pattern is that for those who don't need 250 steps to complete the pattern, you can breeze right a long!
Why, well because all the extra, helpful information is located at the back of the pattern. You will find information on everything from picking knits, to choosing your needle.
My daughter is completely in love with this dress! She just looks so comfy in it too, which is why I've been dying to find a great knit/woven pattern!
Great thing about knits...is upcycling. I used an old shirt for the knit on this dress. Including the ribbed neckline. I did have to adjust the size of the ribbed pieces, because it didn't quite have the stretch that the pattern required. BUT, the pattern does include some great helpful tips to help with this!!
So, for those of you out there that shy away from knits....DON'T!! You can do it, don't be scared!
So overall, I give this pattern two huge thumbs up!!
Great pictures
Easy to understand directions
Tons of helpful information included in pattern
Quick Sew
Cons: (although I wouldn't necessarily call these cons)
Some knowledge of knits would be helpful
Adding ribbing can be tricky for 1st timers
I love this pattern, and plan on making it a staple in my daughters wardrobe!
Husband, Make Her Shine
5 hours ago